10-11.06.2017. Agárd (H) 2x CACIB
Agárd (H) CACIB: 10th June 2017.
Judge: Hartmann György (H)
Ballerina Bear from Castle "Halley" – Junior class – Exc1, HPJ
Owner: Judit Gregussné Marosfalvi (H)
Full list of results: Click!
With this result Halley completed the conditions of the Hungarian Junior Champion (HJCH) title.
Agárd (H) CACIB: 11th June 2017.
Judge: Juhász Istvánné (H)
Bombastic Bear from Castle "Bomba" – Junior class – Exc1, HPJ, Best Junior
Owner: Bonifác Létai (H)
Ballerina Bear from Castle "Halley" – Open class – Exc3
Owner: Judit Gregussné Marosfalvi (H)
Full list of results: Click!
With this result Bomba completed the conditions of the Hungarian Junior Champion (HJCH) title.