21-22.10.2017. Komárom (H) 2x CACIB + Club Show
Komárom (H) CACIB: 21st October 2017.
Judge: Harri Lehkonen (FIN)
Afrojack Bear from Castle "Rocky" – Champion class – Exc4
Owner: Attila Juhász, Bonifác Létai (H)
Ballerina Bear from Castle "Halley" – Intermediate class – Very Good
Owner: Judit Gregussné Marosfalvi (H)
Full list of results: Click!
Komárom (H) Club Show: 21st October 2017.
Judge: Carine Roobrouck (B)
Afrojack Bear from Castle "Rocky" – Champion class – Very Good
Owner: Attila Juhász, Bonifác Létai (H)
Ballerina Bear from Castle "Halley" – Intermediate class – Exc2, Res.CAC
Owner: Judit Gregussné Marosfalvi (H)
Arizona Bear from Castle "Rose" – Champion class – Exc2, Res.CAC
Owner: Bonifác Létai (H)
Full list of results: Click!
Komárom (H) Derby CACIB: 22nd October 2017.
Judge: Pintér János (H)
Ballerina Bear from Castle "Halley" – Intermediate class – Exc3
Owner: Judit Gregussné Marosfalvi (H)
Full list of results: Click!
Rocky puppies again
Puppies of Afrojack Bear from Castle "Rocky" and Bambi Lady Maxilev have born on 15th of October 2017. Bambi gave birth for 7 boys and 3 girls at the Almond Dovelet Kennel in Bratislava, Slovakia. More information: Click!
01.10.2017. Tulln (A) CACIB
Tulln (A) CACIB: 1st October 2017.
Judge: Guido Schäfer (D)
Afrojack Bear from Castle "Rocky" – Open class – Exc1, CACA
Owner: Attila Juhász, Bonifác Létai (H)
Full list of results: Click!
With this result Rocky completed the conditions of Austrian Champion (ÖCH) title.
09.09.2017. Malacky (SK) Specialty Show
Malacky (SK) Specialty Show: 9th September 2017.
Judge: Mátyás Jaroslav (SK)
Afrojack Bear from Castle "Rocky" – Champion class – Exc3
Owner: Attila Juhász, Bonifác Létai (H)
Ballerina Bear from Castle "Halley" – Intermediate class – Exc2, Res.CAC
Owner: Judit Gregussné Marosfalvi (H)
Arizona Bear from Castle "Rose" – Open class – Exc2, Res.CAC
Owner: Bonifác Létai (H)
Full list of results: Click!
Rocky’s first puppies have born
The first puppies from our Afrojack Bear from Castle "Rocky" have arrived on 5th September 2017. Marcali-Szépe Jiro gave birth for 3 boys and 3 girls in Marcali, at the Marcali-Szépe Kennel. More information: Click!
02.09.2017. Kecskemét (H) 2x CAC
Kecskemét (H) CAC: 2nd September 2017.
Judge: Szabó Sándor (H)
Ballerina Bear from Castle "Halley" – Intermediate class – Exc1, CAC
Owner: Judit Gregussné Marosfalvi (H)
Full list of results: Click!
Kecskemét (H) Afternoon CAC: 2nd September 2017.
Judge: Jeane Lawless (IRL)
Ballerina Bear from Castle "Halley" – Intermediate class – Exc1, CAC, BOB
Owner: Judit Gregussné Marosfalvi (H)
Full list of results: Click!
Bomba has gone
There are no words… Today in the morning I realized that my youngest little soul had to cross the rainbow bridge. According to my vet’s report Bomba had heart failure. Last night we said good bye to each other as usual, and that time Bomba still didn’t show any sign. But then today in the morning Bomba didn’t answer to our whistle anymore. I wish this would be a nightmare, but unfortunately it isn’t.
Bomba was the happiest dog in the world. She was always full of energy, always ready for playing, and never enough tired to stop it. She was able to wag her tail so much, that her whole body was shaking during it. I was always afraid, maybe her tail will broke once. She was the cutest dog in my pack.
Dear my Bomba! The world won’t be same without you. I won’t be same without you! I hope you found your peace.
Rest in peace my sweet little Bomba, may we meet again!
Bear from Castle "C" litter
Based on ultrasound examination today, we can now be certain that to travel 1 month ago with Casey to Bologna was worth it. I’m happy to announce that we expect puppies again in the second half of August. 🙂
More informations: Planned litters