Good Bye Rose 💔

C.I.B, 2xHJCH, SKJCH, HCH, HSCH, HGrCH, SKCH, ÖCH Arizona Bear from Castle “Rose”
7th September 2014 – 30th March 2022
Since January we were fighting with Rose against bone cancer as hard as we could. I’m devastated to say our journey has come to its end on Wednesday. With Rose I lost the best, kindest and sweetest dog I have ever had. She handled her disease with dignity, and still enjoyed short walks in the park, but she got huge amount of painkillers on a daily basis, which was supposed to be the dose of 6.5 adult humans. Eventually she lost her appetite, which was normally always huge, so that was the point when I had to make probably the hardest decision in my life. I had to let her go, before it was too late. Bone cancer is cruel, it would have been selfish from me to let her suffer. Rose was my souldog and I’m afraid I will never have any other dog like her. She loved grabbing my hand and take me for a walk. She has never had own puppies, but she always helped raising and babysitting them. She was always willing to do whatever I asked her to do. The only thing which can ease my sorrow is to know that she’s not in pain anymore. She was a once in a lifetime dog for me, and I will never forget her. Run free my Rose, until we meet again 💔💔
Bear from Castle "F" litter
I’m happy to announce that we expect puppies in the middle of March, based on Sushi’s ultrasound examination yesterday. 🙂
More informations: Planned litters
30.12.2021. Budapest (H) Euro Dog Show
Budapest (H) Euro Dog Show: 30th December 2021.
Judge: Kerekes Mária (H)
Chicago Bear from Castle “Giorgio” – Champion class – Exc1, CAC, CACIB, European Winner
Owner: Andrea Szakácsné Szigligeti (H)
Darjeeling Bear from Castle “Dary” – Junior class – Exc2
Owner: Eva Volfová (CZ)
Casey Leoland vom Unterberg – Veteran class – Exc3
Owner: Bonifác Létai (H)
Full list of results: Click!
Vitéz moved to his new family
Vitéz moved to Transylvania today to a lovely family who took a puppy boy from our previous litter too, Dino. The harmony was immediately given between them, they became inseparable friends for the first sight. We wish lots of joy and happiness together! 🙂