2024.11.03. | Colusa, CA (USA) Regional Club Show | B.O.B. | 2nd Place Champion Males | Agi M. Hejja (USA) | - |
2024.11.02. | Colusa, CA (USA) Regional Specialty | B.O.B. | helyezés nélkül | Diane Collings (USA), Jane E. Treiber (USA) | - |
2024.10.27. | Dixon, CA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | Best of Breed | Cathy H. Daugherty (USA) |  |
2024.10.26. | Dixon, CA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | helyezés nélkül | William G. Daugherty (USA) | - |
2024.10.25. | Dixon, CA (USA) Working Group Dog Show | B.O.B. | helyezés nélkül | Pat M. Jenkins (USA) | - |
2024.10.25. | Dixon, CA (USA) Working Group Dog Show | B.O.B. | helyezés nélkül | Donnelle Richards (USA) | - |
2024.10.13. | Boise, ID (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | Select Dog | Walter J. Sommerfelt (USA) |  |
2024.10.12. | Boise, ID (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | Best of Breed | Steven L. Keating (USA) |  |
2024.10.11. | Boise, ID (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | helyezés nélkül | Gail H. Forsythe (CAN) | - |
2024.07.07. | Puyallup, WA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | Best of Breed (New AKC Grand Champion) | Marie Ann Falconer (USA) |  |
2024.07.06. | Puyallup, WA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | helyezés nélkül | Joe C. Walton (USA) |  |
2024.06.23. | Canby, OR (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | Select Dog | Tania Kirkland (AUS) | - |
2024.06.22. | Canby, OR (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | Select Dog | Jerry M. Watson (USA) | - |
2024.06.09. | Vallejo, CA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | helyezés nélkül | Marjorie Martorella (USA) | - |
2024.06.08. | Vallejo, CA (USA) All-Breed, Designated Specialty | B.O.B. | helyezés nélkül | Pamela Bruce (CAN) | - |
2024.05.28. | Coeur D'Alene, ID (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | helyezés nélkül | John C. Ramirez (USA) |  |
2024.05.27. | Coeur D'Alene, ID (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | Best of Opposite | Honey Anne Glendinning (CAN) |  |
2024.05.26. | Spokane, WA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | Best of Breed | Debra Long Gschwender (USA) |  |
2024.05.25. | Spokane, WA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | B.O.B. | Select Dog | Sandy Weaver (USA) |  |
2024.04.13. | Taos, NM (USA) National Specialty Sweepstakes | 15-to-18 Months | Best of Opposite - Sweepstakes | Alida Greendyk (USA) |  |
2024.04.13. | Taos, NM (USA) National Specialty | 15-to-18 Months | 1. helyezett, Winner's Dog (New AKC Champion) | Andrew Ritter (USA) |  |
2024.04.12. | Taos, NM (USA) Regional Specialty | 15-to-18 Months | 1. helyezett, Winner's Dog, Best of Winners | Jan N. Paulk (USA) |  |
2024.04.10. | Taos, NM (USA) Parent Club Show | 12-to-18 Months | 1. helyezett, Best Youth Dog | Thomas Walker (A) |  |
2023.11.19. | Monroe, WA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | 12-to-18 Months | Reserve Winner's Dog | Dawn L. Gabig (USA) | - |
2023.11.18. | Monroe, WA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | 12-to-18 Months | 1. helyezett | Denise Dean (USA) | - |
2023.11.05. | Colusa, CA (USA) Regional Club Show | 9-to-12 Months | Reserve Winner's Dog, Best Youth Dog | Karyn Myers (USA) |  |
2023.11.04. | Colusa, CA (USA) Regional Specialty | 9-to-12 Months | 1. helyezett | Eva E. Berg (USA) |  |
2023.10.01. | Kennewick, WA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | 9-to-12 Months | 1. helyezett | Edward A. Fojtik (USA) | - |
2023.09.30. | Kennewick, WA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | 9-to-12 Months | Reserve Winner's Dog | Bridget Brown (USA) |  |
2023.08.20. | Enumclaw, WA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | 9-to-12 Months | Winner's Dog, Best of Winners | Philip K. Freilich (USA) |  |
2023.08.19. | Enumclaw, WA (USA) Regional Club Show | 9-to-12 Months | 2. helyezett | Julia Brady (USA) | - |
2023.08.19. | Enumclaw, WA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | 9-to-12 Months | 2. helyezett | William P. Shelton (USA) | - |
2023.08.18. | Enumclaw, WA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | 9-to-12 Months | 2. helyezett | Sharon Ann Redmer (USA) | - |
2023.08.17. | Enumclaw, WA (USA) Working Group Dog Show | 9-to-12 Months | 2. helyezett | Adrian W. Woodfork (USA) | - |
2023.06.25. | Canby, OR (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | Puppy, 6-9 months | Winner's Dog, Best of Winners | Debra Thornton (USA) |  |
2023.06.24. | Canby, OR (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | Puppy, 6-9 months | Winner's Dog, Best of Winners | Dawn L. Gabig (USA) |  |
2023.06.04. | Missoula, MT (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | Puppy, 6-9 months | Winner's Dog | Linda M. Riedel (USA) | - |
2023.06.03. | Missoula, MT (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | Puppy, 6-9 months | Winner's Dog, Best of Winners | Nancy D. Simmons (USA) |  |
2023.05.29. | Coeur D'Alene, ID (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | Puppy, 6-9 months | Reserve Winner's Dog | Joyce A. Vanek (USA) |  |
2023.05.28. | Spokane, WA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | Puppy, 6-9 months | Reserve Winner's Dog | Nancy S. Amburgey (USA) | - |
2023.05.27. | Spokane, WA (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | Puppy, 6-9 months
| 1. helyezett | Bridget Brown (USA) |  |
2023.05.07. | W Windsor Township, NJ (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy | BOB Beginner Puppy, Beg Puppy Working Group 3 | |  |
2023.05.06. | W Windsor Township, NJ (USA) All-Breed Dog Show | 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy | BOB Beginner Puppy | Thomas W. Schulz (USA) |  |
2023.04.26. | Rock Island, IL (USA) National Specialty | Baby Puppy | Nagyon ígéretes 3 | Kerry Rushby (UK) |  |